Fishing with Arthritis
Product Design
The arthritis fishing rod aims to help anglers who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis by catering to their specific needs to prevent a painful experience. Through product research, user scenarios, and user testing, I developed a new handle that caters to the needs of an individual suffering from mild rheumatoid arthritis. The handles’ redesign allows the angler to grasp and hold the base of the rod with easy, and without any pain.
The Problem
Anglers that suffer from rheumatoid arthritis have difficulty grasping and holding standard fishing rods because the handles are to narrow. The disorder begins to attack the membranes around the joints in the users hands, resulting in inflammation which is accompanied by pain. Fishing becomes more challenging but an ergonomically designed handle that forms comfortably to any set of hands could alleviate the pain any angler with arthritis is experiencing.
The Question
What are the specific needs that have to be met to satisfy and improve the user’s ability to
use the arthritis fishing rod while still retaining the traditional aesthetic of a fishing rod?
Inspiration Board


Final Product